You Must Be Grounded Before You Can Grow
The past few weeks, or really the past few months if I'm going to be honest with you, I have been stressed out of my mind. I have never really experienced this level of stress, and I've done a lot of stressful things in my life. But I can easily say that this season of my life was one of the most stressful seasons of my life. However, If I can just remember that and remember that truly great things are truly hard things, then even though it won't necessarily make things less scary, it will give me the confidence to know that there is light on the other side and that God has a plan that’s even bigger than my plan.
Finding Time to Cook
I am learning in 2022 to give myself more grace. I was constantly judging myself for not being a better adult and making more time to cook amid my busy schedule. But, I learned from asking for help how to give myself grace and learn habits that transform food indecision and anxiety into food joy and peace (at least for one week!). Yesterday, I felt really in control of my food situation and for the first time excited about the food that I was going to eat for every meal. I felt energized by it.
How Technology Will Help Level up Your Business
How can technology help level up your business? Here are the significant impacts of technology that will help your business thrive.
Why Women Need to Use Automation in Their Business
More women are getting into business globally, with diverse skills specialization cutting across numerous industries. Automation has hit the world like a bug, and it is necessary for female entrepreneurs to be at the forefront of using automation in their business in order to grow and scale sustainably.
Anti-Asian Bias is Never Okay.
Seemingly “benign” discrimination can spread like wildfire into overt, hateful, violent, and even deadly racism. If we tell ourselves it is okay to discriminate in one area because it is better “overall,” what signals and messages are we sending over time? What messages are we telling our Asian American students about their value and worth?
Combatting Systemic Racism as an IEC
It is important to the aim of dismantling White supremacy and racial injustice that White allies critically examine their own complicity (however unintentional). My aim is not to quell conversations that are taking place but offer my own perspective as a Black woman coming from a working-class background.