Prayers for Peace During Exams
Season 1 | Episode 40
Psalm 119:143 As pressure and stress bear down on me. I find joy in your commands.
Psalm 16:8 I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
With it being exam season, we may fall into a stressful and negative headspace. Today, we'll pray for peace during exams and take the time to remember our worth outside of exams. An exam cannot tell your story. An exam grade is not reflective of how hard you've been working, trying, or balancing everything. It cannot show what you've overcome just to take the exam.
We ask God to remind us that our worth cannot be determined by external factors like exam grades and test scores because we are so much more than that. There is no single test score or single exam that can rob us of the gift, purpose, and calling that God has on our life. God already knows the plans for us and those plans are to prosper and give us a good future.
“An exam grade cannot reflect the truth of who you are.”