
Season 1 | Episode 2

Today I am going to be talking to you about rest. I want to share a little bit about how I have been dealing with this concept in my own life, and give you some encouragement to build rest into your own schedule.

Rest is so layered. It’s the quality of sleep you get at night, but it’s also taking the time during the day to stop and breathe. I know it can be hard to even find the time to rest because we are so busy, but if you don’t take the time to rest, your body will still do that, and it will usually become at an inopportune moment. You are not your best self unless you rest.

God gave us the gift of rest. He wanted us to build in the Sabbath. That day doesn’t have to be Sunday, but it does matter that you carve out the time. He even took a day to rest and reflect when he was creating the world.

Jeremiah 31:25 “For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.” Isaiah 40:31 “Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles and they will run and not grow weary.”

I hope I can inspire you to reflect on your schedule, looking where you can build in some rest, so you can show up for yourself and others. How are you going to build in rest this week or next week? What things are you going to take off your plate so you can have an abundance of energy and maximize your potential?


Small Incremental Changes

