In the Media
All the latest interviews, online features, press coverage, and awards and recognitions of Sydney Montgomery, ESQ for her great contributions in the field of independent admissions consulting.
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Maryland Consultant Sydney Montgomery Wins IECA’s First Making a Difference Award
Think in Color' Summit: Entrepreneurs pushing for equity, diversity & inclusion on the corporate stage
Millennial Entrepreneur Leads Others into Law - Business First with Angela Miles
The pandemic prompted some Latinx college students to rethink their plans after graduation
Why We Need More Women Founders & Here Is What We Are Doing To Make That Happen
The College Scoops Podcast
LSAT Unplugged
Your Teen Magazine for Parents
College Essay Guy
Thinking LSAT
21 Leaders for the 21st Century
Women’s eNews Recognizes 21 Powerful, Fearless, and Inspiring Female Leaders of the 21st Century. Women's eNews is an award-winning nonprofit (501c3) news service covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women's perspectives on public policy.
Kappa Alpha Theta's 35 Under 35 2021
Recognizes young alumnae ages 35 and under for their outstanding accomplishments after college. The award has many categories to recognize all the areas where Thetas excel.
IECA Making A Difference Award
For positively contributing to the Independent Educational Consultants Association and profession, pushing for cultural competency training, and leading anti-racism efforts through presentations and articles.
PCACAC Counselor of the Year Award
Recognizes Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling members who go above and beyond in their work with students. Selection criteria include expertise, impact, advocacy, commitment to equity, and innovation in the industry.
2021 UCI Alumni Achievement Award
Given to individuals who have demonstrated how the education and skills gained from the University of California, Irvine, DCE certificate program were applied in a distinctive and notable way.
2018 Clarksburg High School Commencement Speaker
Chosen by the Class of 2018 Class Officers to lead and inspire students at commencement to an audience of 4000+ individuals, including families, students, and educators.
2010 American Baptist Churches of the South Oratorical Contest Winner
ABCOTS is a non-profit corporation associated as a covenanting Regional organization with the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A
Combatting Systemic Racism as an IEC
Anti-Asian Bias Is Never Okay
Expert, College Admissions: Grown & Flown
Board of the Institute, Anti-Racist Education
Volunteer, Law School Transparency
Co-Founder, College Equity First, Inc. a Maryland 501