On this show, I provide students a moment of peace, meditation, and prayer, in the midst of the stressors of applying to college or law school, studying for exams, and juggling competing work and family obligations. As the owner and founder of S. Montgomery Admissions Consulting, and the first lawyer in my family, I am passionate about helping students through the college and law school admissions process in a way that helps them break down generational barriers, gain confidence, and feel supported through community.
I want to thank you for showing up today and carving out just a few minutes of your time to center and listen to yourself and what you need. Prayer is such a powerful way to stay connected to your faith, whether that's a Judeo-Christian faith, or whether you simply want to focus on this as a time for meditation and self-reflection.
Welcome to MindFul Prayers for Students
Hosted by Sydney Montgomery
Prayers for Grace and Self-Compassion
Season 1 | Episode 43
Happy New Year, Happy 2023! This is my favorite holiday and I love the sense of new beginnings and turning a new page. Today, I want to start off this year praying for grace and new beginnings.
Prayer for God's Grace and New Beginnings
Season 1 | Episode 44
Last week we spoke about God's grace and new beginnings, and I want to continue on the theme of grace. Today, I want to discuss about the grace that is tied into self-compassion.
Prayer for Restful Breaks and Rejuvenation
Season 1 | Episode 42
Last year I started having a word for the next year. For 2023, my word is rest. I've learned that sometimes God can't do what he wants to do in us because we are resting. God calls upon us to create, but we need to rest to have that space and ability to create.
A Conversation - Seminary and My Vocational Call
Season 1 | Episode 41
2020 was a year of uncertainty for everyone, and it really showed in my vocational plans. Today I talk about my journey as a seminarian at Princeton Theological Seminary, and how this journey was a difficult and easy decision for me. My vocational call seemed like two distinct paths: my admissions consulting business and seminary. Was it possible to combine these two? How would that happen? I've learned so much about bringing my full self into every room that I walk into, and I hope you can learn that too.
Prayers for Peace During Exams
Season 1 | Episode 40
Although it is exam season, it is also marking new beginnings. It's the beginning of winter break and rest. Today, we'll pray for peace during exams and take the time to remember our worth outside of exams.
Prayers for Study Resources and Aid
Season 1 | Episode 39
If you've made it to this point in the semester, whether it's been effortless or not. You have made it. God has not brought either of us this far to fail. We have all that we need at all times to do the good work that God has called us to do. Today we ask God to guide us as we get through our exams and be for us what we cannot be for ourselves.
Prayers for When You're Feeling Hopeless
Season 1 | Episode 38
Sometimes we're not really sure why God called us on this crazy path. We are not sure sometimes. We may think that yes, God has called me to be a lawyer.
Prayer for Focus Amidst Distractions
Season 1 | Episode 37
Whether it's a paper or project, the ability to focus can be impossible. Sometimes our own health can get in the way of what needs to be done. We have a million of responsibilities on our plate to get us through school.
Prayer for Clarity on Our Path
Season 1 | Episode 36
The future can be daunting. The uncertainty and questions we have for our path can be stressful.
Having Courage to Ask for Letters of Recommendation
Season 1 | Episode 35
I want to talk to you about asking for letters of recommendation and building relationships with others.
God Sees Your Needs
Season 1 | Episode 34
The scripture I want to share with you today is Philippians 4:19, God will supply all your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. God has a plan and He will supply your needs.
God Will See You To The Finish Line
Season 1 | Episode 33
I want to talk to you about having faith that God will see His plan through.
Prayer for the November LSAT
Season 1 | Episode 32
I know that the LSAT exam can feel like a stressful and anxious time. We place so much weight on our score but it is important to remember that our worth is not tied to a number or a school.
Building Relationships with Admissions
Season 1 | Episode 31
I want to talk to you today about the importance of community and the fact that we are never alone.
Knowing What To Write For Your Essay
Season 1 | Episode 30
I want to talk to you today about how planning can empower you and help you take control in your life.
The Power of Making a Plan
Season 1 | Episode 29
I want to talk to you about how to write about yourself in your admissions essays. We tend to be so outwards focused, with such little time for introspection, that we struggle to really write about ourselves in detailed narrative.
Making Time For The Application Process
Season 1 | Episode 28
It can be difficult to carve out time in your life for your applications. It is important to remember that for everything there is a season.
Deciding Which Schools To Apply To
Season 1 | Episode 27
Making decisions about our educational career can cause stress, anxiety, and doubt. We oftentimes forget that God already has a plan and a destination for you.
Pushing Through Tough Times
Season 1 | Episode 26
Sometimes you find yourself in a tough situation that you weren't expecting to be in. Sometimes it seems that even though you are working tirelessly, the work is not enough.